Ferocity: Chris Dorris (extra story)

NOTE: This chapter is verbatim from the transcribed interview.

This chapter contains swearing and is not suitable for children.

Additional note: Thanks to Chris for offering this free gift for readers: This is a download link for the mp3s of Chris' ALL IN! recording, inspired by Steve, and referencing the TBOLITNFL magic. The download is 70MB: http://bit.ly/all-in-course

Chris Dorris

‘Chris, thank you so much for calling. I am going to Israel with my family. I’ll be back in October. I can meet with you on 12 October.’ Steve’s voicemail was clear.

Coincidentally, 12 October was the day that my client, the CEO of Pink Jeep Tours at the time, was going to fly me to one of the most exclusive country clubs on the planet Earth. For a complimentary round of golf.

And that’s a big goddamn deal! I’m a golfer, and when you get invited to fly a private fucking jet to go play this course compliments… You do it. So of course, I was planning on doing it.

But then, it was also the day Steve was offering me. I had a choice to make.

And one of the most brilliant decisions of my life was to bail on that goddamn trip. ‘No, I’m not getting on a Gulfstream to play golf for free. I’m going to meet this dude instead.’

Thank God I made that decision.

In that first meeting, Steve told me what his fees were. And I thought, ‘That’s fucked up.’

My immediate verbal response was only slightly different. I was being completely authentic. I wasn’t trying to be a douche. I was actually curious.

‘Wow. So like, you’re totally cool with excluding the vast majority of humans as possible clients?’

‘No, Chris, you’ve got it all wrong.’

Then he wheels his fucking chair right up to my face.

And he says very loudly, and very distinctly.



I remember thinking, ‘You wanna wheel it back a little bit there, sideburns?’

Did I just fucking get in this dude’s kitchen? Is he pissed? What the fuck? Are we gonna fucking throw, man? Because he’s in good shape. I didn’t know his level of intensity.


That wasn’t the only experience like that. I’m the one he brought up on stage during the TBOLITNFL speech (see Appendix), and he beat the fucking shit out of me. It was a little too aggressive. I think he got a little carried away. And that was great!

He punched me in the chin. I thought he’d split my shit open.

When he was getting in my face, I was scared shitless. My chair was on the edge of the stage, I thought it was going to tip over. He grabbed the front of my shirt with both hands, and shook me so fucking hard.

I was wearing a huge TBOLITNFL jersey onstage. Underneath of it though, I had my favourite button-down Greg Norman shirt.

When it was over, I went back into the audience and I was taking the jersey off to give it back to his daughter, who had lent it to me. And she said, ‘Chris, you might want to keep that on.’

I had a double-Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction! My fucking tits were hanging out. I swear to God. Steve had ripped two flaps of material out of my shirt, right over the nipples.


Later on, I was working with him in the winter. He asked me a specific question. And I paused to think. If I was being my true self, there would have been no pause. Steve interrupted my thinking. ‘Okay, I hear you, Chris. By the way, if it wasn’t winter, we’d be going outside to the pool for this next experience.’

And he wheels the fuck up to me, again. And fucking grabs me, again. (He knows I’m cool with that. He knows I’m down. It’s all good.)

He leaps out of his chair, and jumps on top of me. And he starts choking me out on the couch. ‘Come on, Chris! You’re underwater right now. You can’t breathe. You have no air. What do you do? What do you do?’

My first reaction is, ‘What the fuck? I’m paying how many thousands of dollars for this coaching session?’

I got agitated enough, and I wrestled out of the hold for a while, and had to use my full body to push him off. And he just says, ‘There you go. That’s not thinking. That’s action, baby.’


Additional note: Thanks to Chris for offering this free gift for readers: This is a download link for the mp3s of Chris' ALL IN! recording, inspired by Steve, and referencing the TBOLITNFL magic. The download is 70MB: http://bit.ly/all-in-course
