Steve on reading the book

Dear Potential Reader:

As you may have noticed, there are no testimonials in this description imploring you to read this book. I vetoed that. The only testimonial I am interested in is the one you will have from reading and experiencing this book.

Please DO NOT read this book about me. Read this book about you. Read it about being. As you read, ask yourself:

Who would I need to BE to be a more loving person?

Who would I need to BE to be a more effective parent?

Who would I need to BE to create a level of confidence that is remarkable?

Who would I need to BE to be at peace with who I am?

Who would I need to BE to be fully in love with myself and my life?

Who would I need to BE to live the most extraordinary life I can live?

I promise you that if you read this book with the intention of expanding your state of being, you will do exactly that. Your experience will be remarkable.

Who you are Being is everything.

Loving you. Be Blessed. Be you.

